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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


How time flies. It is as if that the 2nd term of my freshman course has just started but now, I can count with my fingers the days that are left before this term reaches its end. It is so fulfilling yet so saddening to think that there are some subjects which I truly loved attending everyday that will also end along with this term. Not to mention the professors who are kind and appealing to their students – they make me want to request term extension! I learn a lot from them; in a complicated yet so interesting manner.

One of the courses which I truly enjoy attending is ENGLCOM, or shall I say my favorite course? Yes, it is my favorite course! I love English a lot and this made me too eager to attend the said course – to learn more and to hone my proficiency in the said language.
Before I started on this class, which is really not what I intended to enroll on (but I am glad I did!), we were given a writing task in which we will cite our competencies, as well as our weaknesses in English. I wrote a lot of weaknesses which I must improve on and I just a bit competencies like spelling and pronouncing well some common English words.

And as I am about to finish this course, it is such a fulfillment to realize that I improved – not that little, but not that big. I can now proudly say that I can construct MEANINGFUL essays which I find too difficult to do before. I can also point out my opinions better now and I can justify what I really want to say. Thanks a lot to my professor, Ms. Kathleen Ann Mercado who is understanding and approachable (not to mention she is stunning and appealing – according to some sources!) I am also such a stupid guy when it comes to my grammar, but now it also improved. I believe that the reason behind this is the daily drafting and peer editing we do everytime we write an essay – such a big help!

This is a big help for me to achieve my goal since in this field of study that I have chosen, if ever I will succeed, several seminars and conferences is expected. Of course, English as the medium of speech is badly needed. At least, I have my edge now among others because I was given the chance to be honed by such a brilliant professor like Ms. Mercado! ^_^

Since this is the last essay I have to write, I want to take this opportunity to thank you miss for giving us a wonderful experience in this course. =) truly an unforgettable and fun experience! Thank you miss! Hope I can choose you for ENGLRES! =)


Friendship, in an uncomplicated manner, is referred to as a mutual attachment between two or more people. However, it is not just a single kind of relationship. It has diverse degrees depending on each individual’s approach of interacting with his/her fellow. One can have situational friendship, casual friendship, or close friendship. Friendship is such a vital concept in achieving a delightful and purposeful life. Up to this point in time, I cannot think of a single person who can live without a friend. It is like music – universal. It unites everyone regardless of their culture and tradition, background and personality or whatsoever; it can apply uniquely to all people in their own special ways.

“Friends must enjoy each other’s company, they must be helpful to one another, and they must share a common commitment to the good.” – This is how Aristotle pictures a perfect friendship ( For him, these principles are important in order to establish a harmonious relationship between friends. He believes that no single person would choose to live without friends even if he has everything he wants. However, there are not a few divergent views about friendship. According to the website, it is a matter of similarity – “Birds of the same feather flock together”; makes sense, doesn’t it? Friends are those who can see or can reflect themselves with one another. They are alike. It is as if they share common knowledge and wisdom, esteem, affection and respect. In short, what links them is their commonality – their same tastes and outlook in life. One quote also by the philosopher Aristotle which may help you further understand what this context talks about is this, “Friends are one single soul in two bodies.” It means that it is as if they are just a single entity possessing the same instincts and understanding of the world – that is what friends are, people who understand each other as if they are one’s self.

On the other hand, Cicero has his own perception with regard to friendship. Based on his on his philosophy found at, when it comes to this concept, the most essential trait one must possess is honesty. It must be possessed by each individual; otherwise, it is not a true friendship. In addition to this, one must give help to his friend without expecting that his friend will return the favor to him/ he believes that there is no room for hesitation when it comes to helping a friend, thus, readiness is a virtue. He also tells us that we must not compromise our morals when times come that our friend’s morals do not fit ours. What we can do is to help them realize that what they are doing is against our norms. We also have to help them see what the right thing to do is. For him, ignorance is the cause of evil; therefore, we must not tolerate our friends’ mistakes. And lastly, he sees that the reason why broken friendships occur is that someone in that relationship has changed his attitude negatively. Moreover, in order to avoid differences, they must be in equal footing; there must be no superiority so no one will be annoyed at being surpassed.

As what was said in the introduction, friendship is not just a single entity for it has diverse degrees depending on how each person approaches it like in Aristotle and Cicero’s situation – they differ on their point of view towards it. It is primarily the reason why there are different types of friendship in order for us to identify in what exact level we are with our companions. According to the article “Different Types of Friendship”, a casual friendship is different from situational friendship in a sense that the former has something to do with sexual or near-sexual relationship between two people who are not committed to share a formal romantic situation while the latter, it is a kind of relationship wherein there is a mutual understanding and connection with the people we meet everyday. But when something changes and keeping in touch becomes a predicament, distance between friends widens. The two, however, are different from close friendship. In this relationship, distance does not matter and they still have the same understanding for one another over time. In relation to this, love is oftentimes tackled alongside this topic. The truth is that they are closely related in a way that they both involve strong inter-personal ties between two people. Moreover, there are two types of love: the platonic love and the romantic love. Between the two, it is in platonic love where friendship is more likely to be related because in that type, the connection is deep but there is no sexual element unlike romantic love where attraction is much deeper, thus it might lead to sexual relationship.

Friendship truly has a wide array of definition in which they tackle all its aspects, but “all roads lead to Rome.” No matter how diverse the definition of friendship is, they all lead to one thing; they all imply that the concept of friendship is important in our lives because everyone needs a companion in this journey. Like what was said in, an individual is expected to meet at least 3 true friends in his lifetime. Friendship is a must-keep that must be taken care of with pure love and trust just as to how we love ourselves and our family. It is why I am glad I have my friends with me, I love them with all my heart! How about you, have you already found a friendship to keep?

Reference List:
Retrieved on November 30, 2009 at

I had fun while i am writing this essay because it makes me realize too how important the concept of friendship in our life is. It made me love my friends even more! So far, of all the essays I wrote, this one satisfied me the most! But it can be better I think if i will add more friendship quotes and examples situations. Next time! =)


To wear or not to wear school uniforms is one of the hottest and most talked-about topics wherein almost everyone of us can relate to; it is like Ateneo vs. La Salle, ABS-CBN vs. GMA among others. What confuses us more regarding this issue is that both of them have good points, and at the same time, bad points. Furthermore, both of them are likely to be implemented. But which do you prefer more? Where should you stand? Although most educational institutions require students to wear their respective school uniforms during class hours to show their love for their alma mater, to boost students’ academic performances and to give good outcomes regarding behavior according to some sociology experts, I believe that students should not be required to wear school uniforms because it promotes students’ self-expression; it allows all of us to show our individuality; and it gives us a better feeling of comfortability than wearing school uniform.

Wearing our own clothes is better than wearing a school uniform for it promotes our sense of self-expression. According to an online article titled “Pros and Cons of School Uniforms”, requiring students to wear a standardized way of clothing such as the school uniform deprives their self-expression – their freedom to choose what they want to wear. Not a few educators and sociology experts believe that it should not be stifled from children for it is a vital part of their development, thus doing so will be detrimental to them. In relation to this, it will worsen the situation if wearing it is against the child’s choice and he is only forced to do so. What will happen is that this student will only find less appropriate ways to express himself or herself for the reason that what he or she is wearing not what he or she truly wants. However, this argument is contrary to what the people who promote school uniforms believe. They say that doing so prevents some to students to have a feeling of being isolated for the reason that they feel judged according to what they wear. However, I do not agree with this argument because I believe that it only gives the students who prefer wearing uniforms lesser chances of expressing themselves because they cannot vision out what they want to improve in themselves. They are unable to improve themselves because they are isolated in just wearing school uniforms – that is what I call isolation and deprivation, not what those sociologists are trying to imply.

Secondly, having no school uniforms promotes our individuality. In relation to this, students from public schools are deprived from showing it. It is strictly implemented among public educational institutions Some experts believe that these institutions attempt to strip each child’s individuality. They say that what these schools want is to mold children in a not-so-unique manner; everyone must have a standardized way of dressing because they cannot afford to buy new clothes often than usual. In addition to this, these public institutions are not able to meet unable to meet the needs of these children who do not fall in the “can afford” bracket. Educators find this standard dressing as another way to remove student individuality which students must celebrate and embrace. This way of thinking is not good for children because this prevents them from getting prepared to the world – everyone is judged by appearances.

Lastly, wearing our own clothes instead of wearing school uniforms gives us a better feeling of comfortability, thus, we can study better. Critics believe that wearing uniforms reduces our ability to choose which clothing really fits us and what makes us feel comfortable the most. Comfortability is essential when it comes to studying for it maximizes learning when we are in a comfortable ambience.

Wearing school uniform is truly a good way of showing identities of each individual institution. However, for the sake of these school’s identities, students’ own identities are deprived. That is why we should not be required to wear it so that we can express ourselves better, thus, we can grow in a more positive way. One last thing to consider is that there are still some other ways in which our schools; identities can be showed that our individuality’s sake will not be at stake.

Reference List:
“Pros and Cons of School Uniforms”. Retrieved December 8, 2009 from

Of all the essays that I have written so far, this is the one I really find hard planning, writing, drafting and finishing. The reason is because I both agree in the argument in some of their aspects because they both have good benefits in a way. Also, there are so much factors to consider in writing an essay regarding this argument but it is worth it, I think the essay's result is quite good. Just quite! =)


In this fast-changing world where everything develops so easily, there are some tough decisions that we have to make in which we really have to weigh “which is” form “which is not.” For example, most people have a hard time in choosing between laptops and desktops. This essay will help a lot because I am going to differentiate laptops form desktops(towers) in terms of the former’s portability and the latter’s performance as both their advantage and disadvantage if we are about to buy one. PORTABILITY VS PERFORMANCE – you decide!

Let us first tackle the good and bad qualities of laptops, parts of this context may also be found at titled “Laptops or Desktops – which is right for you?” which was published last 2008. When we talk about the major advantages of laptops over desktops, nonetheless, we talk about their portability. As we all know, they are created for user’s convenience. They can be of huge benefit because they to allow us to take our computer to and fro practically anywhere else most especially for college students like us. Moreover, it can also be a substitute of a home computer. But along with its benefit as a portable and handy gadget comes a large drawback – it is also easy for someone to walk it off as it is easy for us. Based on researches made, laptops are stolen at an alarming rate for they are just easy to steal. And when our computer is stolen, not only we do lose the value of the computer but also all of our valuable data. Another major drawback is that their parts are “proprietary”; meaning, that if your laptop breaks, the company which created it is the only one able to fix it. Laptop is a craze itself; it is why they are expensive – another major drawback. It is the portability of the laptop that we are actually paying, but is it worth it? Its battery life is very limited, so what is the sense of portability if we cannot use it for long? It is not that I dissuade people from buying laptops because they are essential in the computer market, but so far, there are too many people who are dissatisfied with what they purchased and wished that they bought a desktop instead. In relation to this, let us figure out why they prefer desktops over laptops through the next part of the essay.

If laptops take pride on its portability, on the other hand, desktops take pride on their performance. Desktops, in general, are designed for heavier use and large capacity, which is why they are ideal for home usage. They are also easier to use for most people. Unlike laptops, they are easier to fix if ever problem arises because any local computer stores can fix them. They are also way cheaper and tagged by computer enthusiasts as the “Forefront of New Technology” because most every new technology for computers is released on a desktop system first. Lastly, desktops are self-sufficient and they do not rely on battery power to function. However, desktops have some drawbacks too. They are not too portable because they are split in functions; the main brain is linked to the screen, power source, speakers, keyboard and mouse through wires. They are also not that “in” among college among college students. Its main advantages in summary are that they are the fastest personal computer available, that they can be the cheapest available and that they have the most expansion capabilities.

Of course, if there are some differences between the two, there are some similarities, too. For me, they are both not that affordable for people who belong to the lower class of our society. It is why most people belonging to that bracket prefer to just rent on computer shops and the like. They also run the exact same software. To sum it all up, they are essentially identical except for their differences in performance and portability.

When buying a new computer, choosing between a laptop and desktop can be a hard decision to make, but keep this in mind; they only run the exact same software; the decision therefore lies on one’s personal preference; if you are looking for a good computer that you can take with you, then laptop is a good choice. Alternatively, a desktop is a better choice for someone who is either looking for the cheapest available, or is looking for the best in the market.

Reference List:
“Laptops and Desktops’ Difference”. Retrieved on November 16, 2009 at

I find it less difficult than the previous essays since I am beginning to improve my writing and I can understand better how to follow the process of writing plus the outlining. Again, I am glad that the result is quite good. I think the readers will have better understanding regarding the differences and similarities between laptops and towers if they will read this.


Malnutrition is a complex condition wherein there is no exemption of whoever will be affected by it. However, children ranging from ages 2 to 10 are those who are hardly affected. Based on researches (, hunger, micronutrient deficiency and over-consumption are the three primary causes of malnutrition which affects almost 4.4 billion people worldwide, with 6 million dying each year. This essay will try to uncover how the said causes result in malnutrition.

Hunger is a cause of malnutrition; however, there is also a cause behind it – poverty. As we all know, our world is prone to suffer malnutrition. Moreover, according to an online article titled “Malnutrition Matters” (, it is most devastating when it attacks children. Not only their physical growth will be affected but it may also affect their mental growth. In relation to this, the poverty cycle will worsen since it is a hindrance in having a better foundation of the mind, thus, the less they are to have better opportunities for work later on. Hunger also affects adults for it impedes our productivity, and worse, it creates a host of associated health problems like stress and anxiety disorders, ulcer and mental disorders among others.

Another cause of malnutrition is the deficiency in micronutrients – these are nutrients needed by our body which we have to take only in small amounts. In this condition, it is either inadequate amounts of vitamins are received or they are not having the correct proportion of proteins in their diets ( What makes it even harder for people to treat and diagnose is that it takes years for health symptoms to manifest. Results of this deficiency are lost productivity and major increase in health care costs which in turn, negatively affects our government’s efforts to develop our way of life.

The last primary cause of malnutrition to be discussed is over-consumption. Malnutrition may be a state of undernourishment or overnourishment, thus, the latte makes over-consumption one of the primary causes. It is referred to as taking in calories more than what was required ( In some cases, it is also accompanied by a deficiency in vitamins and minerals. What makes the situation worse is that there are food companies which offer consumers some products which are highly affordable but are often inadequate nutrition required. The result of over-consumption is obesity. Moreover, it is a fast-growing segment of the world’s population. But the irony of this condition is that these people who are experiencing obesity often live at hunger-prevalent countries like the United States.

Malnutrition is certainly one of the major problems our world leaders currently face and it is truly a difficult one to solve. But still, we must not lose hope that there will come a time when we can completely overcome the situation. What we have to do now is to work hand-in-hand in promoting increased awareness towards malnutrition and its causes. One solution which is highly promoted today is mass feeding in areas where malnutrition is highly prevalent. What is good to know is that there are major organizations worldwide which are highly influential which support advocacies like this. One of which is UNICEF. So giving up is not an option, rather cooperate with everyone towards a healthier and much happier world.

Reference List:
Malnutrition Matters.(n.d). Retrieved November 22, 2009 from

I find this essay a bit harder than the previous essays because there are so much factors to consider which must be written also in this essay but space is limited, so what I did is to choose the 3 most intense factors among all. Good thing, the outcome is good and I explained well what I want to tell my readers. =)


Birthdays – what makes birthday celebrations something to be treated tenderly and kept within our hearts forever? What makes it special is when you spend it with the people you love the most – people who make you feel valuable and who can make your heart jump in delight whenever they are around. In this essay, I am about to narrate how my friends made my birthday something to be cherished in a way that when I would be reminded of that event someday, I would still feel the same old feeling of happiness rushing through me. I could perceive how warm and sincere their birthday greetings were to me and for that, I could feel that my existence truly mattered.

July 25 – the entire world was sleeping. The brightness of the evening light was fine and the warmth of my humble room was quite enough for me to have a sound and pleasant rest. My mind told me that in little while, I may have my short rest from the busy and tiring reality. Little by little, my tired looking eyes were starting to bid goodbye from the world. It began closing, a bit more, when suddenly, a loud and disturbing noise interrupted me from my supposedly sound sleep. The unpleasant sound came under my pillow; it was a text message! A text message telling an intense appreciation and thankfulness that I appeared to her life and that this special day must be well-spent. It came from my ever-faithful friend, Camille – whom I shared my ups and downs with all through these years. Yes, it is my day – July 26. But for now, I have to take my well-deserved rest. Toodle-oo world!

After a long night’s sleep of dreams and abstruse reverie in a world of my own, the birthday boy finally woke up. I could picture myself opening my eyes that day with a huge smile on my face. I jumped off my bed as if I was a little child too eager to eat his cereals while watching his favorite cartoons. Soon, I went out of my room when my wonderful, ever-gorgeous mom saw me and of course, she greeted her favorite son (I’m assuming) a happy birthday. When I saw her, she was like a student cramming for the exams as she was cooking foods for the “mini-gathering” my high-school classmates and I will have later that day.

Not in a long while, the party has started, I was astonished upon seeing my high-school teachers coming that I did not expect to come for they earlier said that they were busy with school. What a nice start! I wished there was more to come! The party was not planned, as we say, “anything goes.” Thus, it made my heart pound evenly unbearable. Thinking what might happen the whole day. After a while, my high-school classmates arrived, and another surprise – they brought gifts! I was not really expecting gifts from them because they do not usually do that. I was in cloud nine; I know it was going to be a good night!

Eating time! As what was expected, each of them ran fast to get food. They love how my mom cooks. We were in one big table, as we were munching our food while memories of the good old days were reminisced. We were all having a hard time finishing our meals because we could not help but laugh when we are reminiscing how I blabbered on a personality contest, how we were scolded by our principal and how my best friend was kicked on her face; oh how nice it was to be reminded of the good old days!

After eating, we went back to the living room to start our favorite pastime together – the videoke! As the birthday boy, I was the one who first sang. I sang my favorite song “Stay the same”. After my turn, each guests started grabbing the microphone, too. It was really something to be cherished; all of us had smiles on our faces, wishing it would be a long, long night. However, every good thing must come to an end. As far as I can remember, I think we decided to call it a night by 12:00 am – exactly a day!

What a day that day was! I really ha d fun! Turning a year better is really fun to celebrate especially when you have your friends to celebrate it with. It is the person around you who matters, not what you are able to prepare in your birthday. Before having my good night’s sleep again, I texted all of them, “Till next year again, as I turn a year better!”

That is how my friends made my birthday a very special day to be cherished in my heart and mind. I truly felt the value of my existence and relevance!

I enjoyed a lot while I was writing this essay because what I was writing is about my birthday! but of course, it is still hard since what I have to do here is to describe everything, literally. But it is worth it because the outcome is truly imaginable for the readers. Still,I can improve this if I will be given an extra time! More descriptions, more figures of speech!


There are times when people’s schedules do not permit time for lunch, thus, an evening meeting must be scheduled way beyond the unusual business hours to discuss a project in question. But what if you’re chosen as the host? Do you know what to do? Here are some tips I got from HIM Magazine’s article titled “How to Host a Business Dinner” published last 2008 which you can use to come up with a fruitful and successful business dinner.

In choosing your meeting place, always put into consideration the convenience and comfortability of the guests; it is precisely the reason why a high-caliber restaurant us always preferred. Moreover, it is a general rule to pick international cuisines. Now, as the host, it is your responsibility to be the first to arrive at the meeting place to know on the onset what you are having.

For the seat plan, seat yourself facing the entrance of the restaurant so that you can rise to greet the arriving guests. Let each guest who just arrived to have a stress reliever – cocktails! It also puts everyone in a relaxed mood. One more thing, having more than one cocktail is not advised.

You may ask where you can order the cocktails, the answer is: order them from the “hospitable” price range of the cellar. It will be a red that will most likely appropriate.

It is mandatory to order a starter, may it be a soup or a salad before the main course. Afterwards, let the main course be served. As you are eating your dinner, open up the topic to be discussed. Do not wait until the dinner is over to go over the subject in question – no one has that much time to spend on business. One more tip, never ever bring up politics or religion in the topic. Always remember the “Golden Aim” – to have an agreement in principle, thus, there is no need to go into excessive details.

Then by dessert and coffee, have a celebratory toast or an agreement to revisit some issues. And although the meeting was an absolute failure, end it in a hopeful note, with both parties agreeing to look into disagreements. Finally, wait for your guests’ cars to be driven up the entryway and let them get in the driveway before going home yourself.

To host a business dinner is not an easy task to do, but I hope that with the tips given above, doing it so will just be a piece of cake for you from now on. Always remember that this is done for a reason, so put your 100% effort on it but also do not forget to enjoy and have fun with the guests.

Reference List:
(2008, March). How to Host a Business Dinner. Him, 112(168), 39.

- Since this is the first of the four minor essays that i have written, I find it a little hard and confusing because I have to follow a method on how I will do it. I was not used to it because I am not that good in doing essays.. i just write and write and write! However, I am glad that the outcome of what I did is quite good I think because I can understand myself what I am trying to tell my readers and I guess, they will find it easy to follow, too. =)

REFLECTIVE ESSAY - “My Competencies and Weaknesses in English”

To be honest, I think I am really not that good when it comes to the English language, however, I can say that I can do a bit well in spelling English words and in understanding the language. Moreover, I can also converse with other people in English but not that fluently most especially when I am in front of a big crowd.

Now, what are the areas in which I think need improvement? First, I would like to improve on my grammar, on how I construct sentences and paragraphs. I guess I have to learn and focus more on this area because oftentimes, I find it hard constructing paragraphs and essays like this which will be good enough to justify the things that I really want to say.

I also need to better understand the “Subject-Verb Agreement” so that it will help me in writing reflective essays like this because there are times in which I get confused in using verbs in a sentence.

And lastly, of course, I have to improve my speech – to learn to speak the English language in a better and more articulate manner and to utter those words with proper pronunciations, stressing and diction.

If you would ask me if I think this course will help me in achieving my goals, I would say yes. Why? Because English, as what they say, is the universal language and almost everyone in this world are able to speak this language and I think this will be the most perfect way I can relate to them.

Because in this field that I have chosen to focus on, I have experienced that if I will be able to finish this course, hopefully, there will be several seminars, conferences and the like that I will be encountering here and abroad.

Thus, I really have to be well-practiced in speaking in English so that I can share my piece to others especially to those who are overseas and I think this is the reason why I am enrolled here – to polish my speech so that I will be able to converse with every other people.

Now, what are my expectations of the ENGLCOM course? Of course, I am expecting to build new friendship here and be able to bond with my classmates since I am just a new face to them. I also expect that our professor will be understanding and patient enough in correcting my grammar and in helping me improve my proficiency in English. And lastly, I am expecting that all the things that I will learn here would be a great tool in improving my skills in English and hopefully, by the end of this term, I will be able to speak English in front of a big crowd with confidence, believing in myself that I will do well in this aspect.