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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


To wear or not to wear school uniforms is one of the hottest and most talked-about topics wherein almost everyone of us can relate to; it is like Ateneo vs. La Salle, ABS-CBN vs. GMA among others. What confuses us more regarding this issue is that both of them have good points, and at the same time, bad points. Furthermore, both of them are likely to be implemented. But which do you prefer more? Where should you stand? Although most educational institutions require students to wear their respective school uniforms during class hours to show their love for their alma mater, to boost students’ academic performances and to give good outcomes regarding behavior according to some sociology experts, I believe that students should not be required to wear school uniforms because it promotes students’ self-expression; it allows all of us to show our individuality; and it gives us a better feeling of comfortability than wearing school uniform.

Wearing our own clothes is better than wearing a school uniform for it promotes our sense of self-expression. According to an online article titled “Pros and Cons of School Uniforms”, requiring students to wear a standardized way of clothing such as the school uniform deprives their self-expression – their freedom to choose what they want to wear. Not a few educators and sociology experts believe that it should not be stifled from children for it is a vital part of their development, thus doing so will be detrimental to them. In relation to this, it will worsen the situation if wearing it is against the child’s choice and he is only forced to do so. What will happen is that this student will only find less appropriate ways to express himself or herself for the reason that what he or she is wearing not what he or she truly wants. However, this argument is contrary to what the people who promote school uniforms believe. They say that doing so prevents some to students to have a feeling of being isolated for the reason that they feel judged according to what they wear. However, I do not agree with this argument because I believe that it only gives the students who prefer wearing uniforms lesser chances of expressing themselves because they cannot vision out what they want to improve in themselves. They are unable to improve themselves because they are isolated in just wearing school uniforms – that is what I call isolation and deprivation, not what those sociologists are trying to imply.

Secondly, having no school uniforms promotes our individuality. In relation to this, students from public schools are deprived from showing it. It is strictly implemented among public educational institutions Some experts believe that these institutions attempt to strip each child’s individuality. They say that what these schools want is to mold children in a not-so-unique manner; everyone must have a standardized way of dressing because they cannot afford to buy new clothes often than usual. In addition to this, these public institutions are not able to meet unable to meet the needs of these children who do not fall in the “can afford” bracket. Educators find this standard dressing as another way to remove student individuality which students must celebrate and embrace. This way of thinking is not good for children because this prevents them from getting prepared to the world – everyone is judged by appearances.

Lastly, wearing our own clothes instead of wearing school uniforms gives us a better feeling of comfortability, thus, we can study better. Critics believe that wearing uniforms reduces our ability to choose which clothing really fits us and what makes us feel comfortable the most. Comfortability is essential when it comes to studying for it maximizes learning when we are in a comfortable ambience.

Wearing school uniform is truly a good way of showing identities of each individual institution. However, for the sake of these school’s identities, students’ own identities are deprived. That is why we should not be required to wear it so that we can express ourselves better, thus, we can grow in a more positive way. One last thing to consider is that there are still some other ways in which our schools; identities can be showed that our individuality’s sake will not be at stake.

Reference List:
“Pros and Cons of School Uniforms”. Retrieved December 8, 2009 from

Of all the essays that I have written so far, this is the one I really find hard planning, writing, drafting and finishing. The reason is because I both agree in the argument in some of their aspects because they both have good benefits in a way. Also, there are so much factors to consider in writing an essay regarding this argument but it is worth it, I think the essay's result is quite good. Just quite! =)

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