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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


How time flies. It is as if that the 2nd term of my freshman course has just started but now, I can count with my fingers the days that are left before this term reaches its end. It is so fulfilling yet so saddening to think that there are some subjects which I truly loved attending everyday that will also end along with this term. Not to mention the professors who are kind and appealing to their students – they make me want to request term extension! I learn a lot from them; in a complicated yet so interesting manner.

One of the courses which I truly enjoy attending is ENGLCOM, or shall I say my favorite course? Yes, it is my favorite course! I love English a lot and this made me too eager to attend the said course – to learn more and to hone my proficiency in the said language.
Before I started on this class, which is really not what I intended to enroll on (but I am glad I did!), we were given a writing task in which we will cite our competencies, as well as our weaknesses in English. I wrote a lot of weaknesses which I must improve on and I just a bit competencies like spelling and pronouncing well some common English words.

And as I am about to finish this course, it is such a fulfillment to realize that I improved – not that little, but not that big. I can now proudly say that I can construct MEANINGFUL essays which I find too difficult to do before. I can also point out my opinions better now and I can justify what I really want to say. Thanks a lot to my professor, Ms. Kathleen Ann Mercado who is understanding and approachable (not to mention she is stunning and appealing – according to some sources!) I am also such a stupid guy when it comes to my grammar, but now it also improved. I believe that the reason behind this is the daily drafting and peer editing we do everytime we write an essay – such a big help!

This is a big help for me to achieve my goal since in this field of study that I have chosen, if ever I will succeed, several seminars and conferences is expected. Of course, English as the medium of speech is badly needed. At least, I have my edge now among others because I was given the chance to be honed by such a brilliant professor like Ms. Mercado! ^_^

Since this is the last essay I have to write, I want to take this opportunity to thank you miss for giving us a wonderful experience in this course. =) truly an unforgettable and fun experience! Thank you miss! Hope I can choose you for ENGLRES! =)

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